Index of values

abandon_result [Tableau]
Reset the fact base to its original state.
abolish [Predicate]
abolish_predicate [Env]
Abolishes the specified predicate, if it exists.
add [DtIndex.TableType]
add_declaration [Predicate]
Associate the given declaration object with the given predicate.
add_disjunction [Env]
add_false [Env]
add_layer [NegativeUnits]
add_layer [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
add_layer [Access.Store]
add_rule [Env]
alist_to_term [Convert]
applicability [Predicate]
applicability [Access.Reader]
apply [Term]
apply term context returns a copy of term with the substitution context applied.
array_of_float_to_term [Convert]
array_of_int_to_term [Convert]
array_to_compound [Convert]
assert_unit_clause [Predicate]
Add a unit clause to the given predicate's extent.

begin_shared_input [Env]
Enable sharing of subsequent input terms.
binding_pattern_covers [Opt]
True iff the first binding pattern is stronger or equal to the second, in each position, where Ground is stronger than Bound and Bound is stronger than Free.

choose_best_reader [Predicate]
classify_statement_functor [Env]
clause_delta_clauses [Ic]
Returns a list of clauses, that contains for each body literal with a predicate that appears in delta_predicates, a copy of the clause, with the body literal replaced by ist delta version.
clear [NoIndex]
clear [NegativeUnits]
clear [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
Undefined if the index contains more than the single initial layer.
clear [Index.Index]
clear index removes all elements from index.
clear [Access.Writer]
clear_builtins [Builtin]
Remove the association of builtins and predicate symbols for the given symbol_table.
clear_delta_predicate [Predicate]
clear_evaluables [Evaluable]
Remove the association of between evaluable functions and symbols for the given symbol_table.
clear_news [News]
Remove all unit facts from news.
clear_rules [Env]
Effect that all input nonunit clauses are removed.
compare [Ordset.AuxOrderedType]
A total ordering function over the keys.
compound_args [Term]
compound_functor [Term]
compute_discrimination_hint [Opt]
context_multiplier [Term]
Returns the multiplier of the given context.
copy_term [Term]
copy_term returns a copy of term.

default_reader [Predicate]
Return some reader for the predicate, e.g.
delayed_clauses_size [News]
dereference [Term]
If term is a variable, dereference_term term context returns its binding in context along with the context too look up bindings in subterms, otherwise the input is returned.

end_shared_input [Env]
Disable sharing of subsequent input terms and free resources used for sharing.
ensure_delta_ready_to_run [Predicate]
ensure_ready_to_assert [Predicate]
ensure_ready_to_assert [Env]
ensure_ready_to_run [Predicate]
ensure_ready_to_run [Env]
eval [Evaluable]
eval term context returns the result of evaluating the given term in the given context.
eval_clause [Ic]
Raises BranchClosed.
extent_size [Predicate]
Return the size of the given predicate's extent in the current model.

fact_with_unknown_proof [Fact]
fail [Term]
fail represents unification failure.
failed [Term]
failed trail tests if the given trail is fail.
find [Predicate.PredicateTable]
find [DtIndex.TableType]
find_predicate [Predicate]
find_predicate [Env]
Ensures that the predicate exists.
find_symbol [Term]
find_symbol name arity returns the symbol corresponding to name and arity in the symbol table.
first_result [Tableau]
Derive the first model (or a closed tableau).
float_to_term [Convert]
from_file [Fromonto]
from_file function filename calls function with stdin temporary redirected from the specified file.

gensym [Term]
gensym () returns a newly generated symbol that is not maintained by a symbol table.
get_all_bound_reader [Predicate]
get_atom [Ic.HeadLiteral]
get_atom [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_back_subsumption_flag [Cfg]
get_back_subsumption_within_news_flag [Cfg]
get_body [Ic]
get_body_sorting_method_param [Cfg]
get_builtin [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_cfg [Env]
get_check_disjunctions_are_ground_flag [Cfg]
get_complements [News.Disjunct]
get_conjunction_symbol [Term]
get_current_directory [Cfg]
get_current_result [Env]
get_debug_flag [Cfg]
get_declarations [Predicate]
Get the declarations associated with the given predicate.
get_delta_predicate [Predicate]
get_discrimination_hints [Predicate]
get_disjunction_symbol [Term]
get_disjuncts [News]
get_echo_flag [Cfg]
get_fact [News.Disjunct]
get_false_symbol [Term]
get_findall_symbol [Term]
get_foreign_context [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_head [Ic]
get_id [Ic]
get_indexargs [Access.Reader]
get_is_builtin [Predicate]
get_is_delta [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_l_proof [Tableau]
get_level_cut_flag [Cfg]
get_literals [Ic.DisjunctiveHead]
get_main_predicate [Predicate]
get_max_weight_increment_param [Cfg]
get_max_weight_initial_param [Cfg]
get_merge_inf_input_flag [Cfg]
get_meta_functor_symbol [Term]
get_msg_output [Cfg]
Return the output channel where messages are printed.
get_neg2_symbol [Term]
get_negative_units [Env]
get_negative_units_flag [Cfg]
get_news [Ic]
get_predicate [News.Disjunct]
get_predicate [Ic.HeadLiteral]
get_predicate [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_predicate_table [Env]
get_proof [Fact]
get_proof_terms_flag [Cfg]
get_reader [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_refutation [Tableau]
get_rule_symbol [Term]
get_rules [Env]
get_show_derived_literals_flag [Cfg]
get_sign [Ic.BodyLiteral]
get_sort_heads_flag [Cfg]
get_source [Ic]
get_store [Access.Writer]
get_stratified_neg_as_failure_alternate_symbol [Term]
get_stratified_neg_as_failure_not_subsumed_symbol [Term]
get_stratified_neg_as_failure_symbol [Term]
get_symbol [Predicate]
Get the symbol associated with the given predicate.
get_symbol_table [Env]
get_term [Index.EntryType]
get_term [Fact]
get_true_symbol [Term]
get_verbosity [Cfg]
Return the current verbosity value.
get_weighing_method_param [Cfg]
get_wp_semantics_flag [Cfg]
get_writers [Predicate]

has_delta_predicate [Predicate]
Note: predicate is assumed to be not a delta predicate.

idb_predicates [IcSet]
idb_predicates clauses returns a list of those predicates in clauses which appear in the head of a clause in clauses.
info_msg [Tableau]
Print information messages, such as statistics, about result to the message output.
init_builtins [Builtin]
Initialize the association of builtins and predicate symbols for the given symbol_table.
init_evaluables [Evaluable]
Initialize the association of between evaluable functions and symbols for the given symbol_table.
initial_result [Tableau]
Create a result object.
initialize_clause [Ic]
Prepare a clause for eval_clause.
insert [Predicate]
insert [NoIndex]
insert [NegativeUnits]
insert [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
insert [Index.Index]
insert index term entry inserts a new value, entry, into index, associated with key term.
insert [Access.Writer]
insert_disjunction [News]
Insert a disjunction into a news object.
insert_unit [News]
Insert a fact into a news object.
install_state [News]
install_state [NegativeUnits]
install_state [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
install_state [Access.Store]
int_to_term [Convert]
interact [Process]
interact () runs the KRH processor within a OCaml interpreter.
is_ground [Termutils]
is_ground term returns true iff term contains no variables.
is_nonvar [Termutils]
is_nonvar term returns true iff term is not a variable.
is_open [Tableau]
True iff result is open (i.e.
is_wp_semantics_true [News.Disjunct]
iter [Predicate.PredicateTable]
iter [DtIndex.TableType]
Like iter, but the implementation may remove entries from the table as they are iterated over.
iter_all [NoIndex]
iter_all [NegativeUnits]
iter_all f store applies f to all terms in the store.
iter_all [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
iter_all [Index.Index]
iter_all f index applies f to all entries in the index.
iter_all [Access.Reader]
iter_all_and_throw_away [NoIndex]
iter_all_and_throw_away [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
iter_all_and_throw_away [Index.Index]
iter_all_and_throw_away f index is similar to iter_all f index, except, that the implementation is allowed to remove entries as they are iterated over from the index.
iter_and_throw_away [DtIndex.TableType]
iter_generalization_candidates [NoIndex]
iter_generalization_candidates [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
iter_generalization_candidates [Index.Index]
iter_generalization_candidates f index term context applies f to all those entries in the index, whose keys are variants or more general than term in context, and maybe to more entries in the index.
iter_generalization_candidates [Access.Reader]
iter_instance_candidates [NoIndex]
iter_instance_candidates [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
iter_instance_candidates [Index.Index]
iter_instance_candidates f index term context applies f to all those entries in the index, whose keys are variants or proper instances of term in context , and maybe to more entries in the index.
iter_instance_candidates [Access.Reader]
iter_unification_candidates [NoIndex]
iter_unification_candidates [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
iter_unification_candidates [Index.Index]
iter_unification_candidates f index term applies f to all those entries in the index, whose keys are unifiable with of term in context, and maybe to more entries in the index.
iter_unification_candidates [Access.Reader]
iter_vars [Termutils]
iter_vars f term effects that f is applied to all variables in term.

list_of_float_to_term [Convert]
list_of_int_to_term [Convert]
list_of_term_to_term [Convert]
list_of_term_to_term_1 [Convert]
list_to_ord_set [Ordset.AuxS]
list_to_ord_set [Ordset]
list_to_ord_set list returns an ordered set with the elements of list, i.e.
lookup [NegativeUnits]
If the input fact is unifiable with a fact that has been previously inserted, that entry is returned.
lookup_predicate [Env]
Raises Not_found if the predicate does not exist.

main [Process]
main () runs the KRH processor within a stand alone environment.
make_aux [Ic.Aux]
Creates an aux for the given Cfg.cfg.
make_cfg [Cfg]
make_clause [Ic]
make_compound [Term]
make_context [Term]
Create a context.
make_default_discrimination_hints [Opt]
make_derived_fact [Fact]
make_derived_fact_with_proof [Fact]
make_env [Env]
make_eval_inc_clauses [IcSet]
make_eval_plain_clauses [IcSet]
make_fact_like [Fact]
Result is like the given fact, but with the given term.
make_index [NoIndex]
make_index [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
The index is created with a single initial layer.
make_index [Index.Index]
make_index () returns a newly created index.
make_input_fact [Fact]
make_literal [Ic.HeadLiteral]
make_literal [Ic.BodyLiteral]
make_news [News]
Create a news object.
make_predicate_table [Predicate]
make_proof_term_aux [Fact]
A proof term aux can be shared in separate calls to proof_term_r_proof, to ensure sharing of subproofs...
make_readers [Access.Reader]
make_store [NegativeUnits]
make_subproofs [Fact]
make_symbol_table [Term]
Create a symbol table.
make_table [SharedInput]
make_table [DtIndex.TableType]
make_trail [Term]
make_trail returns an empty trail that is different from fail.
make_variable [Term]
make_writer [Access.Writer]
map_term [Convert]
Input must be a list term.
match_terms [Term]
match_terms term1 context1 term2 trail computes the substitution context1 under which term2 is an instance of term1.
max_vars [Term]
LIMIT: The maximum number of distinct variables in a clause.
msg [Msg]
msg verbosity message outputs the given string as message to stderr, trailed by a newline and flush, if the current verbosity setting is >= verbosity.
msg1 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with a single argument.
msg2 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with two arguments.
msg3 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with three arguments.
msg4 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with four arguments.
msg5 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with five arguments.
msg8 [Msg]
Variant of msg that takes a format string with eight arguments.

negative_units_to_store [IcSet]
new_layer [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
new_layer [Access.Store]
next_result [Tableau]
Derive the next model (or a closed tableau) with respect to the given model.
null_context [Term]
A context that represents the empty binding.
null_fact [Fact]
null_news [News]
An unusable news object to initialize typed fields.
null_reader [Access.Reader]
null_store [NegativeUnits]
null_table [SharedInput]

obtain_state [News]
obtain_state [NegativeUnits]
obtain_state [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
obtain_state [Access.Store]
onto_file [Fromonto]
onto_file function filename calls function with stdout temporary redirected to the specified file.
ord_disjoint [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_disjoint [Ordset]
ord_disjoint set1 set2 is true iff set1 and set2 have no elements in common.
ord_insert [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_insert [Ordset]
ord_insert set element returns a set with element inserted into it, preserving the order.
ord_intersect [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_intersect [Ordset]
ord_intersect set1 set2 is true iff set1 and set2 have at least one element in common.
ord_intersection [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_intersection [Ordset]
ord_intersection set1 set2 returns the ordered intersection of set1 and set2.
ord_subset [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_subset [Ordset]
ord_subset set1 set2 is true iff every element of the ordered set set1 appears in the ordered set set2.
ord_subtract [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_subtract [Ordset]
ord_subtract set1 set2 returns the elements in set1 which are not also in set2 as ordered set.
ord_symdiff [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_symdiff [Ordset]
ord_symdiff set1 set2 returns the symmetric difference of set1 and set2 as ordered set.
ord_union [Ordset.AuxS]
ord_union [Ordset]
ord_union set1 set2 returns the ordered union of set1 and set2.
output [PrologPrint]
Same as print, but with the output channel as argument.

p_to_s_graph [Graph]
Return the S-graph representation of the given P-graph.
p_transpose [Graph]
Return the transposed P-graph.
pick_disjunction [News]
Raises Not_found if no disjunction that is not subsumed by a unit in the extent is found.
predspec_pair [Convert]
Input must be a term of the form functor/arity.
print [PrologPrint]
Print the given term in ISO-Prolog syntax, as by Prolog's write_canonical predicate to stdout.
print_clauses_as_terms [Info]
print_clauses_info [Info]
print_compiled_rules [Tableau]
print_flags_doc [Cfg]
print_info [Access.Reader]
print_optim_info [Ic.BodyLiteral]
print_parameters_doc [Cfg]
print_predicates_info [Info]
print_settings [Cfg]
print_symbols_info [Info]
print_to_string [PrologPrint]
Same as print, but instead of printing, it returns a string containg the output.
process_news [News]
process_news news processes facts in news.
prolog_lexer [PrologGenlex]
The lexer function.
prolog_parser [PrologRead]
Parse the given ISO-Prolog clauses.
proof_term_for_fact [Fact]
proof_term_for_l_proof [Fact]
proof_term_for_r_proof [Fact]
push [Listutils]
push element listref effects that element is added to the beginning of the list in listref.
pushnew [Listutils]
pushnew element listref effects that element is added to the beginning of the list in listref if it is not equal to a member of the list.
pushnewq [Listutils]
Same as pushnew, but physical equality is used to compare list elements.

refutation_to_term [Tableau]
register_builtin [Builtin]
register_builtin symbol_table name arity implementation effects that the predicate name/arity becomes available as builtin.
register_evaluable [Evaluable]
register_evaluable symbol_table name arity implementation effects that the function name/arity becomes available as evaluable function.
release [Release]
remove [DtIndex.TableType]
remove_variant [Predicate]
remove_variant [NoIndex]
remove_variant [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
Undefined if the index contains more than the single initial layer.
remove_variant [Index.Index]
remove_variant index term context deletes a single entry which has a variant of term as key from the index.
remove_variant [Access.Writer]
renumber_variables_term [Term]
renumber_variables table term reassigns variable numbers starting from 0 to the variables in term.
reset_gen_id [Ic]
reset_weight_limit_exceeded [News]

s_to_p_graph [Graph]
Return a P-graph representation of the given S-graph.
save_trail [Term]
save_trail trail returns a representation of the given trail's state, that can be used to undo bindings.
select_relevant_clauses [IcSet]
relevant_clauses clauses goal_predicate selects those clauses from clauses which are relevant for computing goal_predicate.
set_conjunction_symbol [Term]
set_current_directory [Cfg]
set_current_result [Env]
set_disjunction_symbol [Term]
set_false_symbol [Term]
set_findall_symbol [Term]
set_flag [Cfg]
set_max_literal_weight [News]
set_meta_functor_symbol [Term]
set_msg_output [Cfg]
Set the output channel where messages are printed.
set_neg2_symbol [Term]
set_parameter [Cfg]
set_rule_symbol [Term]
set_stratified_neg_as_failure_alternate_symbol [Term]
set_stratified_neg_as_failure_not_subsumed_symbol [Term]
set_stratified_neg_as_failure_symbol [Term]
set_symbol_function [Term]
set_symbol_predicate [Term]
set_true_symbol [Term]
set_verbosity [Cfg]
Set the current verbosity to the given value.
share_subterms [SharedInput]
share_subterms table term returns a variant of term with subterms replaced as far as possible by subterms stored in table.
size [NoIndex]
size [LayeredIndex.LayeredIndex]
size [Index.Index]
size [Access.Writer]
sort_clauses [IcSet]
sort_clauses clauses sorts the clause set according to a heuristics that should allows earlier detection of refutations (branch closings)
sort_without_duplicates [Listutils]
The result list is the input list, sorted by and with duplicate elements removed.
split_clauses [IcSet]
split_clauses clauses partitions clauses into several sets.
stratify [IcSet]
stratify clauses partitions clauses in strata.
string_to_term [Convert]
subsumes_chk [Term]
subsumes_chk term1 term2 is true iff term2 is an instance of term1.
symbol_arity [Term]
symbol_function [Term]
symbol_name [Term]
symbol_predicate [Term]
symbol_table_iter [Term]
Iterate over the symbols in the symbol table.
symbol_to_pred_spec_term [Convert]
symbol_to_string [Convert]
Returns a string represenation "symbol-name/arity" of the given symbol.

term_compare [StdOrder]
term_compare term1 context1 term2 context2 compares term1 in context1 and term2 in context2 according to the ISO-Prolog standard term ordering and returns
term_functor_pair [Convert]
Input must be a constant or compound.
term_functor_symbol [Convert]
Input must be a constant or compound.
term_ident [Term]
term_ident term1 term2 returns true iff both terms are identical, i.e.
term_is_list [Convert]
Returns true if the input term has ./2 or []/0 as main functor.
term_list_to_list [Convert]
Input must be a proper list, i.e.
term_nth_arg [Convert]
Return the nth argument of a compound term.
term_pair [Convert]
Return a pair of the first and second argument of a compound term.
term_sequence_to_list [Convert]
Input must be a sequence constructed from a binary functor, such that the first argument is the element and the second argument the rest sequence or the last element (which must have a different main functor).
term_to_alist [Convert]
Input must be a list term of Key=Value pairs.
term_to_array_of_float [Convert]
Input must be a list of float terms.
term_to_array_of_int [Convert]
Input must be a list of integer terms.
term_to_float [Convert]
Input must be a float term.
term_to_int [Convert]
Input must be an integer term.
term_to_string [Convert]
Input must be an atom term.
term_weight [Weight]
Return the weight of the given term.
top_sort [Graph]
Returns a list of vertices of the given S-graph in topological ordering.

undo_bindings [Term]
undo_bindings trail saved_trail undoes bindings in trail until the state represented by saved_trail is reached.
unify [Term]
unify term1 context1 term2 context2 attempts to unify term1 in context1 with term2 in context2.
unit_for_env [Env]
Returns a possibly optimized variant of the input term (a unit clause), e.g.
unit_table_size [News]

variable_number [Term]
variant [Term]
variant term1 term2 is true iff both terms are variants.
varnum [Termutils]
term is assumed to be term of shape Variable variable.

warshall [Graph]
Returns the transitive closure of the given S-graph as S-graph.
weight_limit_exceeded [News]
Is > 0 iff an inferred clause has been discarded since it exceeded the weight limit.