Module Cfg

module Cfg: sig .. end

type cfg 
val make_cfg : unit -> cfg
val get_current_directory : cfg -> string
val set_current_directory : cfg -> string -> unit

Flags and Paramaeters

val set_flag : cfg -> string -> bool -> unit
val set_parameter : cfg -> string -> int -> unit
val print_settings : cfg -> unit
val print_flags_doc : cfg -> unit
val print_parameters_doc : cfg -> unit
val get_echo_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_debug_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_back_subsumption_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_back_subsumption_within_news_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_sort_heads_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_check_disjunctions_are_ground_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_proof_terms_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_level_cut_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_negative_units_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_merge_inf_input_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_wp_semantics_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_show_derived_literals_flag : cfg -> bool
val get_max_weight_initial_param : cfg -> int
val get_max_weight_increment_param : cfg -> int
val get_body_sorting_method_param : cfg -> int
val get_weighing_method_param : cfg -> int


type verbosity = int 
What messages are printed is determined by a global variable indicating verbosity by an integer. It is accessed through verbosity and set_verbosity.

Verbosity values are:

val get_verbosity : unit -> verbosity
Return the current verbosity value.
val set_verbosity : verbosity -> unit
Set the current verbosity to the given value.
val get_msg_output : unit -> Pervasives.out_channel
Return the output channel where messages are printed.
val set_msg_output : string -> unit
Set the output channel where messages are printed. If the string argument is "stdout", the channel is set to stdout, else it is set to stderr.