Module Graph

module Graph: sig .. end
Graph operations. This module is similar to the graph library module common in Prolog systems.

The P-representation of a graph is a list of (from, to) vertex pairs, where the pairs can be in any old order.

The S-representation of a graph is a list of (vertex, neighbours) pairs, where the pairs are ordered according to their vertex and the neighbours of each vertex are also orderered.

Structural equality (i.e. =) and are used for identity and comparison of vertices.

type 'a p_graph = ('a * 'a) list 
Graphs in P-representation.
type 'a s_graph = ('a * 'a list) list 
Graphs in S-representation.
val p_to_s_graph : 'a p_graph -> 'a s_graph
Return the S-graph representation of the given P-graph.
val s_to_p_graph : 'a s_graph -> 'a p_graph
Return a P-graph representation of the given S-graph.
val p_transpose : 'a p_graph -> 'a p_graph
Return the transposed P-graph.
val warshall : 'a s_graph -> 'a s_graph
Returns the transitive closure of the given S-graph as S-graph.
val top_sort : 'a s_graph -> 'a list
Returns a list of vertices of the given S-graph in topological ordering. Raises Not_found if the graph is cyclic.