Functor LayeredIndex.Make

module Make: 
functor (LayerType : Index.Index) -> LayeredIndex with type entry = LayerType.entry
Functor for building a layered index implementation based on an implementation of Index.Index.
LayerType : Index.Index

type entry 
type index 
val make_index : unit -> index
The index is created with a single initial layer.
val clear : index -> unit
Undefined if the index contains more than the single initial layer.
val insert : index ->
Term.term -> entry -> unit
val remove_variant : index -> Term.term -> unit
Undefined if the index contains more than the single initial layer.
val iter_all : (entry -> unit) ->
index -> unit
val iter_all_and_throw_away : (entry -> unit) ->
index -> unit
val iter_instance_candidates : (entry -> unit) ->
index -> Term.term -> Term.context -> unit
val iter_generalization_candidates : (entry -> unit) ->
index -> Term.term -> Term.context -> unit
val iter_unification_candidates : (entry -> unit) ->
index -> Term.term -> Term.context -> unit
val size : index -> int
type state 
val obtain_state : index -> state
val install_state : state -> unit
val add_layer : state -> state
val new_layer : index -> state